with the
Fair Grove Area Chamber of Commerce
Looking to make connections for your business, organization and yourself?
The Fair Grove Area Chamber of Commerce is a friendly group where you can interact with others and learn more about local events. We are committed to working together for the betterment of our community.
Membership in the Chamber is open to businesses, organizations and individuals. Join us when we meet the first Tuesday of each month at noon in the meeting room of the fire station at 340 W. Eagle Ridge Road. Complete membership information can be found on this page.
Fair Grove Heritage Reunion

For questions regarding the Heritage Reunion Festival, please contact The Fair Grove Historical and Preservation Society. They host this renowned fall festival on the last full weekend of September each year.
Located in the heart of the business district, Wommack Mill attracts tourists and travelers to the retail district the year round.
Open the Historical Society website in a new tab.